Wednesday, February 16, 2011

About Me - Part 2

After reaching my goal weight and maintaining it for some time, I found out I was pregnant again.  I was in a much better place this time and I ate nothing but the best foods for me and my growing baby.  After Ricky was born, I was back at my goal weight within 3 months and working for Weight Watchers.  I started as a receptionist and was training to be a leader.  Then everything went downhill.  I had horrible post part partum depression and was put on an anti-depressant.  The initial one worked fine for me and I did not have any side-effects.  Around the time Ricky was 12 months old, we sold our house to keep it from being foreclosed on, moved to a tiny apartment, had to get rid of one of our dogs, filed for bankruptcy and Ricky ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, near death.  My doctor changed my prescription.  This one was horrible.  I felt completely out of control and ended up quitting my job with WW.  I just could not handle how I was feeling and everything else.  To top it off, one of the major side-effects of this medication was weight gain.  Within 6 weeks time, I put 75 pounds back on!  I immediately asked my doctor to take me off of that one, but the damage was done.  I was discouraged that I gave up and over the next year put all of my weight back on, plus some.  I was too embarrassed to go back to WW.  So, I tried Jenny Craig and many other diets.  Nothing helped.  I fell on my knees before God and begged Him to help me.  He started showing me things that needed to change in my heart and in my attitude toward myself and food.  It has been a long hard journey, and I am not even done.  I am on the right path now.  In future blogs I will share tips on losing weight, getting your head in the right place and about the work God is doing in my life.

1 comment:

Mike Swineford said...

this is hard to read, it is hard to relive some of these things again. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to relive it all. Thank you for telling the story if just one person gets the hope they need. Love you.