Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Emotions....Good or Bad?

I happen to be a very emotional person.  Not in a bad way.  I do not blow up at every little thing, I am not a yeller, I do not cry at the drop of a hat.  But, I do wear my heart on my sleeve, I do feel other people's pain and I do have a bad habit of allowing my feelings to control me.  Emotions are God-given.  It is not bad to have them and it is not bad to acknowledge them and allow yourself to really feel them.  However, it is bad to base decisions on  how you feel at the moment.  There has to be balance to dealing with our emotions.

For the longest time I was told I was too sensitive.  I also experienced what it is like to live with people who do not handle anger well, to put it nicely.  Through this, I learned to stuff my emotions deep inside and pretend they were not there.  I thought it was bad to feel the things I felt.  After being married to Mike for a few years, maturing as a person and in my walk with God and having children, I learned it was okay to really feel.  To acknowledge what was there.  What freedom!!  The problem?  I have gone too far the other way.  If I do not "feel" like making dinner, we go out.  If I do not "feel" like working out, I skip bootcamp.  If I do not "feel" like going to bed, I stay up way to late even though I know this will lead to me not "feeling" like getting up in the morning.  This affects my whole life and the lives of my husband and children.  NO MORE!  Right now, I am getting over some strange virus I have had for the last week and I do not feel like doing anything, including writing this blog.  I am going to go do my laundry, get dinner in the crock pot and go to bootcamp.  This is the only way I will be successful in my weight loss journey.  I cannot wait until I feel like doing it or it will never happen.  What do you need to do right now?