Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Step Toward Freedom

On Friday, April 15, 2011, I took a step toward freedom.  I parted with a friend/enemy that has controlled me for far too many years.  On "good" days it brought me joy, laughter and love.  On "bad" days it brought tears, anger and frustration.  Who was this horrible creature?  My scale.  That's right, my scale.  I threw it away.  I did not give it to someone else nor did I sell it.  I threw it into the depths of my big green trash can.  Why?  Because I realized that I had been allowing to define myself and my success for far too long.  As Katherine and I were watching an episode of The Biggest Loser, I was explaining to her the importance of what these people were doing.  They were taking their lives back.  Getting stronger both mentally and physically.  This was not about looking better, but about them making healthier choices.  As we were talking, I was telling her something I have always told her.  Skinny does not equal healthy.  I have known countless people who are thin and yet they are the most out of shape, unhealthy people I know.  Later that night, a little light bulb went off above my head.  I had to ask myself a question.  Why was I striving to make that scale tell me a certain number before I would believe that I had made progress over the last few months of eating better and working out?  Why was I letting that scale tell me what my mood would be for the day?  Why was I allowing that scale to tell me if I looked good in my jeans today?  The truth is, that number on the scale means NOTHING!  Your muscle tone, your energy levels, your ability to walk up stairs or across the parking lot to your car, your inches around your mid-section, those are things that means something!!  Your happiness with your quality of life, that means something!  Not a number that fluctuates, in women especially, anywhere from 1-8 pounds a day.

The fact is, eating the way I eat right now and doing the activities I do right now, I feel better and stronger than I did when I weighed 165 pounds at 6' tall and wore a size 8.  That says something!  The day I threw my scale away, I felt a sense of freedom.  It became easier for me to focus on living the life I want to live and not just be focused on what I weigh.  I truly believe it is time we all stop giving the scale so much power in our lives.  Throw it away!